One Down Eleven To Go

Well that's the first of month of the 'Song A Week' project done , just eleven to go now! It's been great from a creative point of view as I've now got a some completely new songs that didn't even exist until this year, and I've got a few tracks finished that have either been sitting in my head or in some state of half completion on my computer gathering dust. I'm particularly happy with 3 Monkeys, and the little synth bit at the end.

Promotion wise, I seem to be doing okay this month, I've had an interview with a London radio station about the project and about music downloads in general, and the music video for Blood On My Hands (produced by Mike Kimberly) is now being rotated on Sky TV, so I'm pretty happy with how things are going.

For some reason, I'm beginning to get more and more into the whole video blog side of things, and have even started to rope my friends into being in them, if you haven't seen any yet you can check them out at where you'll also be able to watch Blood on my Hands.

Aidy :-)