Whisperin' and Hollerin' Review
"This is the first time I've heard of/from Adrian Killens and its been all my pleasure. The impression I get is of a bedroom enthusiast, a musician in exile, recording for pleasure and as part of a pre-determined daily practise. The production here is clearly that of a home recorder - working with the limitations and imperfections but leaving them listless and unimportant, such is the raw quality of some of the material here. Handpicked from previous demos and self-releases, Selected Demos brims with pop sensibility and starts with its best track, the quietly wonderful Prettyish. The record is a mish-mash of styles, from the Oasis-esque laddish roar of 22 to the Weezer-lite of It's Only A Drink, there is a lot to be commended amongst the anxious off-beat lyrics and hisses of the demo tape. Somewhere between 90's Brit Rock, Babybird and American grunge, this is a fine collection of tracks. I think Adrian would do well to spend some time in a real studio though; imagining these tracks played with the best equipment and with a better scope fills me with excitement. Great indie-pop with hushed vocals and bitter lyrics. Perfect for the wintery months. Download the album for free from: www.aidy.com"